Sabashini Ramchand 30th Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Sabashini Ramchand

Dr. Sabashini Ramchand is a consultant endocrinologist and research fellow at Austin Health, Victoria. She was awarded her medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2008 and completed her endocrine training at Austin and Northern Health, Victoria. Her long-term goal is to continue her work as a clinician-scientist in the field of bone biology and metabolic bone disorders. She is currently undertaking a Ph.D. investigating the skeletal and metabolic effects of oestradiol suppression therapy in premenopausal women with early breast cancer at Austin Health, University of Melbourne. Sabashini is committed to improving engagement of early career investigators within the Australian and New Zealand metabolic bone field and enhancing training and involvement of endocrine advanced trainees in metabolic bone health. She is currently Co-Chair of the ANZBMS Early Career Investigator Committee.

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