Md. Saddam Hussain 30th Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Md. Saddam Hussain

Md. Saddam Hussain is currently doing his full-time PhD with the “Bone Growth and Repair” group of Profs. Dr Cory J. Xian at the cancer research institute of the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia. Before this affiliation, Mr Hussain worked as a lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy, Noakhali Science and Technology University. After completing his B.Pharm and M.Pharm from the Noakhali Science and Technology University, he received “Prime Minister award-2015” from the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for his outstanding academic and research records. In 2016 he also won a fellowship from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh for his M.Pharm thesis work. He has more than 30 peer-reviewed publications and has submitted a few more in the related peer-reviewed journals. The field of interest is cancer biology, mechanistic biology, and pharmacology.

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