Oral Presentation 30th Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2020

Myth-busting the NHMRC Investigator Grant scheme (#27)

David Scott 1 2
  1. NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow, NHMRC
  2. Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University

Associate Professor David Scott is an exercise scientist and musculoskeletal researcher who has held a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowship since 2017 and was awarded a NHMRC Investigator Grant (Emerging Leadership Level 2) in the inaugural round of the scheme in 2019. David has also served on grant review panels for Emerging Leadership Levels 1 and 2, as well as for NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarships.

In this presentation, David will discuss his experiences both as an applicant and a reviewer for Investigator Grants, and attempt to shed light on some of the mysteries of the scheme. Given the increased focus on research impact in Investigator Grant assessments, he will also highlight effective strategies for demonstrating impact across different types of research. While the content of the presentation will be targeted primarily at intending Investigator Grants applicants (whether applying for the first time or planning a resubmission), it will also provide useful tips for applicants to other fellowship and scholarship schemes.